CCRM Fertility

Tubal Ligation

Getting Pregnant After Tubal Ligation

Some women choose to undergo tubal ligation (also known as having their “tubes tied”) to prevent future pregnancies. During this procedure, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to prevent a woman’s eggs from being fertilized and eliminating the chance of pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for women that have had their tubes tied to experience life circumstances that changes their desire to have a baby.

With state-of-the-art assisted reproductive technology, it is possible for to have a child after tubal ligation.

Fertility Treatment After Tubal Ligation

In most instances, the best course of treatment for pregnancy after tubal ligation is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

During IVF, sperm and eggs are combined in the lab to allow for fertilization outside of the body with subsequent transfer of the embryo back into the uterus. Through this process, the fallopian tubes are bypassed altogether.

Another method to achieve pregnancy after tubal ligation is tubal ligation reversal surgery, in which the fallopian tubes are reattached. The surgery is not always possible or effective, and those who have undergone a tubal reversal have an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

IVF or Tubal Reversal – Which is Right for ME?

Your CCRM physician will discuss the best course of treatment for your individual situation. Factors such as your age, the type of tubal ligation surgery you had, the amount of scar tissue present, the number of children you would like to have, and your overall fertility health will be considered.