Empowerment Through Egg Freezing

2017-10-17T20:45:22-06:00July 15th, 2016|

Women are increasingly deferring childbearing in order to focus on their careers. However, putting off pregnancy comes with risks. There is a natural decline in fertility many years prior to the onset of menopause despite a woman having regular ovulatory cycles. By age 35, a woman’s chance of conceiving per month decreases in half. Additionally, as women gets older, the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities climbs, and with it, the risk of miscarriage, birth defects or disorders that makes conceiving more difficult.

Fortunately, science has given women greater control over their own reproduction than ever before. By 2018, it is predicted that 76,000 American women will undergo egg freezing (or “oocyte cryopreservation”) – this process involves stimulating the ovaries with hormones to produce multiple eggs, retrieving the eggs from the ovaries and taking them to the lab, where they’re cooled to subzero temperatures and saved for pregnancy at a later date.

While egg freezing doesn’t guarantee a future pregnancy, CCRM has had tremendous success with IVF using frozen eggs/embryos, including increased pregnancy rates and decreased miscarriage rates.

CCRM has completed egg freezing cycles on more than 500 women. Although many of the eggs are frozen for long-term storage and fertility preservation, more than 300 egg thawing cycles have been completed with an egg survival rate of greater than 90%. The pregnancy rate following egg thawing, fertilization, and embryo transfer is 74.0% with a live birth rate per embryo transfer of 64.3%.

In recent years, employers like Apple, Citigroup and Facebook, have started to cover the cost of egg freezing. The Pentagon has also started covering egg freezing for troops who want to preserve their gametes for future use.

Celebrities have become more outspoken about their experiences with egg freezing. TV personality Maria Menounos recently went public with her decision to freeze her eggs and even shared her egg retrieval process on Snapchat.

“For me, this is important,” Menounos told Good Morning America, “because now we can show women there is an option if you need it and if you want it and if you think it’s right for you.”

If you are interested in learning more about elective egg freezing, please contact us at 844-539-0628.